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Let’s Brighten Up Our World!


Each Vesak Day, our temple will facilitate the offering of “Merit Lanterns” and lighting up of lotus candles to enable our members and devotees to generate merits by making a voluntary donation to help run the temple and its charitable activities.



The Merit Lanterns will be hung up in the main shrine hall along with the identities of the donors or those to whom the donors wish to dedicate the merits. This is symbolic of the presence of the donor in our main shrine hall, joining the daily morning and evening chanting sessions, partaking of the dedications of merits every day. Merits are dedicated by the Sangha each time they gather for the morning and evening chanting and this engenders the blessing of our donors during the period in which the lanterns are hung up.



The lighting up of lanterns and candles symbolize the opening of our sight in a darkened room whenever light is brought to it. Similarly, the teachings of the Buddha enable us to open our hearts and minds to the realities of existence, of stress/suffering and their root causes. With this understanding and by following the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path of practice, we will then be able to overcome all stress and suffering and eventually attain release from repeated rounds of births, suffering and death.



This year, we will be enabling the submission of these donations electronically.  Members and devotees can make use the online forms to submit the details of your donations to the temple’s administrators.  Please access the attached link https://bit.ly/2Vhq39O to obtain the instructions and forms for your donation.

今年,我们将开启以电子方式接收这些捐款。佛友能通过在线表格向寺庙管理员提交您的捐赠详情。请浏览所附连接 https://bit.ly/2Vhq39O 以获取捐赠说明和表格。

“Anumodana” for your generosity and may your act of merit be a supporting condition for your long-term welfare and happiness, freedom from stress and suffering and attainment of Awakening.


Best wishes to your good health,

The Sangha and Board of Management