The Phra Nirantarai "Freedom from Danger"

The above amulet is specially commissioned to raise funds in support the re-building of our Main Shrine Hall. It is a limited edition of just 3,000 pieces – 1,000 pieces each of gold, silver and brass colour. Each piece has a unique serial number engraved on the reverse side.

On the front side of the amulet is a specially designed image of the Phra Nirantarai Buddha image, one of the most revered images of Thailand. The original image was cast in pure gold, measuring 3 inches in lap span and weighed 241.8gms. It was found buried in the ground in Sri Maha Bodhi forest in Prachin Buri and was presented to King Rama IV. The King kept it in Sathiantham Parit Hall together with a Phra Kring Image. Robbers broke in and stole the Phra Kring image but the Phra Nirantarai image was not stolen.

The King pondered over the fact that the image escaped calamity on both occasions. First, when it was unearthed, it could have been sold into private possession or it could have been melted down for its gold. Second, was that the robbers could have stolen it and melted it down too. He therefore decided to name it Phra Nirantarai (freedom from danger) and decided to cast a larger image in the same style to cover up the original image. However, he designed it to be in line with the way the monks of the Dhammayuttika sect (established by him) wore their robes (information abstracted from “The sacred Buddha images of Thailand by Waranun Chutchawantipakorn).

On the reverse side of the image is the Yant Kropetch (Diamond Shield yantra), a famous yantra which was discovered inside a chedi by Luang Phor Parn of Thailand, in 1915. This yantra comprises the full text of the chant for the recollection of the qualities of the Buddha – commonly known as the “Iti Piso” chant. It is written in ancient Khmer script and is known to be very efficacious at giving protection from all dangers to the person carrying it with him/her. Within this yantra is also the “Eight Directions” yantra, to give protection to the wearer in whichever direction the person is located/travelling to.

Other than recording the name of our project to re-build our Main Shrine Hall, the Vihara Buddha Jinaraj, this amulet also carries the wish “Nibbānam paccayo hotu anāgate kāle” (may this be a support for attaining Nibbāna in future). This is perhaps the single most important wish of every Buddhist: the attainment of Nibbana, total release from wandering on in samsara - going through endless cycles of birth and death, suffering ageing, illness and death. It is our wish that by supporting the re-building of our Vihara Buddha Jinaraj, we create the condition for the future attainment of Nibbana.

Sadhu Anumodana !

上述佛牌是为募集善款重建本佛寺大殿而特别委托制作的。限量发行共3,000 枚,金色、银色和黄铜色各 1,000 枚。每个佛牌的背面都刻有独特的序号。

佛牌的正面是专门设计的尼兰达莱佛像,这是泰国最受尊敬的佛像之一。最初被发现的佛像由纯金铸造,周长 3 英寸,重 241.8 克。它是被埋藏在巴真武里的圣摩诃菩提森林的地下,后献给拉玛四世国王。国王将它与Phra Kring 佛像一起保存在Sathiantham Parit 大殿内。强盗闯入并偷走了Phra Kring佛像,但尼兰达莱佛像并未被盗。

国王深思此事 - 这尊佛像两次都幸免于难。首先,当它被发现出土时,它可能被出售给私人所有,或者被熔化以获取黄金。其次,可能被强盗偷走它并把它也熔化掉。因此,国王决定将其命名为“尼兰达莱佛”(免于灾难),并决定以相同的风格铸造一个更大的图像来取代原始图像。然而,他的设计也是为了符合他创立的法宗派比丘穿着袈裟的方式(以上信息是摘自Waranun Chutchawantipakorn的《泰国神圣佛像》)。

佛牌的背面是 Yant Kropetch(金刚盾符牌),这是一种著名的符牌,由泰国的 Luang Phor Parn 于 1915 年在佛塔内发现。这个 符牌 包含了忆念佛陀德行的念诵全文——通常被称为“Iti Piso”念诵。它是用古代高棉文字书写的,被公认可以非常有效地保护携带它的人免受所有危险。在这个 符牌中还含有“八个方位”的符牌,为佩戴者提供保护,无论该人位于/前往哪个方向。

这除了记录我们重建大殿的项目名称 Vihara Buddha Jinaraj帕清拉纳佛大殿 之外,这个佛牌还承载着“Nibbānam paccayo hotu anāgate kāle”的愿望(愿这是将来证得涅槃的资粮)。这也许是每个佛教徒最重要的愿望:证得涅槃,从老病死之苦的无尽生死轮回中彻底解脱出来。我们希望通过支持重建我们的帕清拉纳佛大殿,为未来证得涅槃创造条件。
